The cardiovascular benefits of walking are biologically reasonable; like other types of regular moderate exercise,
walking too improves cardiac health by reducing risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, inflammation,
mental stress and vascular stiffness .
Climbing Stairs:
In order to get the optimum heart health benefit from any aerobic exercise, try to reach between
50 and 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. Climbing stairs is the easiest way to achieve the target. To calculate
your maximum heart rate, simply subtract your age from 220.
It makes your heart pound in a steady manner, further the pumping motion of the muscles in your legs is
a great exercise for your heart. Cycling outside on a bike or on a stationary bike, is all the same. Many studies
have shown that cycling can increase cardiovascular fitness by 3-7%. However, the position of the seat and pedals
are important to avoid any injury while cycling, so make sure your cycle is properly adjusted for your body.
Swimming is considered to be one of the best aerobic exercise that is known to benefit
your heart health. You can reap all the benefits of swimming by practising it for two and a half hours
per week. Another advantage of this exercise routine is that it is perfect for people who are a little overweight
as it puts less stress on bones and joints.
An Italian study suggested that, people with heart failure who took up waltzing improved t
heir breathing, heart health and overall quality of life as compared to those who walked on a treadmill
or biked for exercise. Dancing is a great way to work on your heart health. All you need is some space,
your favourite music and a pair of good footwear. Dancing can range from high impact to low impact
depending on your need and ability, however, a good aerobic beat is about 120 to 135 beats per minute.
Aerobic Exercise:
“Regular aerobic exercise helps control blood pressure, reduces stress and depression, improves cholesterol levels,
helps weight loss and maintenance, decreases diabetic blood sugars, increases muscle and bone strength, and
helps prevent blood clots,” says Deb Sampson. Pick an aerobic exercise you can relish and stick with it, eventually
you’ll find positive changes in your health, in more ways than you can imagine.
Whether you suffer from a heart ailment or just want to maintain a healthy heart, yoga is definitely one of
the best way to do it. “In general," says M. Mala Cunningham, Ph.D., Founder and Director of Cardiac Yoga,
“research has shown a yoga-based model can help prevent as well as reverse heart disease and can impact
many health issues. The Cardiac Medical Yoga Model helps assist patients in all areas of health stabilization
and/or recovery, which includes the physical, mental and emotional components.” Yoga lowers blood pressure
, making blood vessels more elastic and promoting better heart health.
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